
  • 5 Days in Northern Italy

    In July, we took 5 days to visit Italy. We selected the Valpolicella region because it is in Northern Italy, an easy 4-hour drive from our home in Southern Germany. I had heard great things about Verona, wanted to take in some of the natural beauty accessible in the region, and was dying to eat…

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  • Stone Lifting at Garmischer Festwoche

    Garmischer Festwoche is a highly anticipated week of traditional summer celebration for Garmisch residents and anyone looking to take part in an exciting cultural activity while visiting the area. To give a bit of context, many towns in Germany have a summer festival referred to as “Volksfest” meaning “people’s festival.”  Simply put, the Volksfest combines…

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  • Garmiversary!

    One year ago today, everything we owned was packed and being shipped across the ocean. The things we couldn’t ship got sold or given away. It was a true fresh start. Sure, it was a little scary to veer from my 8-year career in healthcare for an essentially unknown job far away from “home”. My…

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