Alpine Coaster Oberammergau

First, I know its a mouthful, so here 😉

If you are searching for a family-friendly thrill in the scenic Alpine landscape, look no further than the Alpine Coaster Kolbensattel in Oberammergau. In my opinion, it should be on the short list of must-do things in the area during the warm months. This Alpine Coaster is the world’s longest weatherproof toboggan run with magnetic brakes. Coupled with the breathtaking landscape of the area, authentic Bavarian restaurant at the top, and a choice of other accompanying activities to personalize an afternoon in Oberammergau, it is sure to make a great memory.

Let me start by giving a lay of the land. Oberammergau is a 30-minute drive from Garmisch-Partenkirchen. It is a scenic route, during which you pass the Linderhof Palace and beautiful forest land as you ascend through the Ammergau Alps. If you have heard of the town Oberammergau before, it is likely because it is the site of the famous Passion Play which is performed every 10 years by local residents. People travel from around the world to attend this dramatic reenactment of the life and death of Jesus Christ. The Passion Play is a tradition dating back 380 years. It is local legend that a covenant was made between God and the townspeople vowing to perform a passion play in 10-year intervals. If this was done, they would in turn be spared from the Bubonic plague. The event takes place in years ending with a zero (except for a postponement due to COVID-19 in 2020). Some 2,000 residents of Oberammergau play a role as actors, singers, instrumentalists, or technicians in the Passion Play. The next performance year is 2030, so hopefully we will be able to be first-hand witnesses to the beloved tradition then. In addition to the Passion Play, the town of Oberammergau is also known for its woodcarvers. You will know this instantly upon a short walk through the old town area which has many art displays as well as countless woodcarving shops to peruse. Many of the woodcarvings depict Bible scenes, fairy tales, and local history. It is a great spot to snag unique souvenirs as well.

This is all a side note to say that if you visit the Alpine Coaster, you should take a detour to old town Oberammergau… and if you are planning a visit to Oberammergau, consider riding the nearby Alpine Coaster 😉

During our first year living in Garmisch, Austin and I have been to the Alpine Coaster twice. The first time we visited the Alpine Coaster was last fall. We didn’t have a car at the time, so we took the city bus to Oberammergau. From the bus stop, you can hike up yourself to the starting point of the coaster or you can opt to take the Kolbensattel chair lift. This is an open-air, two-person lift that gives you a bird’s eye view of the mountainside. While I’m sure the hike was also beautiful, we thoroughly enjoyed having a break from walking and taking on a higher vantage point to see the diversity of vegetation below.

Once you make it to the starting level of the coaster, you should plan to pause at the Kolbensattelhütte. There is indoor and outdoor seating where a variety of Bavarian food items as well as coffee, juices, and beer can be ordered. If you don’t need refreshment, at least spend a bit of time enjoying the view from the top. There is a huge playground area within eyesight of the restaurant. The play area includes a series of marble tracks where kids race wooden golf ball sized marbles. I know this was made for children, but I found it captivating to watch kids following their marbles over the bumps of the obstacle course. I also love that this wooden marble track stays on theme by combining the coaster “tracks” and the woodcarving tradition of Oberammergau. It’s quite fun to hear the shrieks of excitement from the marble track on the right and start of the Alpine Coaster on the left.

Now for the main event 😊The Alpine Coaster consists of a 8,530 feet long track. Up to two people can ride per car which is controlled with a magnetic hand braking system. No need to fret though because the toboggan car will stop you from exceeding speeds beyond 25mph (40kmh). I didn’t think I would use the brakes much since this safety feature is in place, but I was wrong! I was grateful for the user-regulated speed feature as we rode around the 73 unique bends in the track, spanning a top-to-bottom altitude difference of 1,300 feet.

The first time we went to the Alpine Coaster, we went with one of my German coworkers and his family. When it came time for the descent, Austin rode in the first toboggan with the four-year-old in the group. I followed behind them and was cracking up to hear her scream “Ganz Schnell!” or “completely fast!” all the way. Children are fearless. I realized about 15 seconds into the ride that there was no way I could do the whole thing without using the brakes. The second time we rode, we were accompanied by two newly weds extra near to our hearts <3. Getting to spend time with these two during their honeymoon only made everything sweeter in Oberammergau.

Love these two!

Other than the scenery, I was most amazed by how long this Alpine Coaster was! Unlike many roller coasters that I have experienced in US theme parks and other Alpine Coasters I have read about, the length of the Alpine Coaster Kolbensattel makes it worth it. The ride took every bit of 4.5 minutes. It’s a truly unique experience well worth the effort of getting to the mountain top.

Keep in mind that children must be over the age of 3 to ride the Alpine Coaster and need to be accompanied by an adult until age 8. Other than that, it is the perfect family friendly activity. The Kolbensattel area has nice refreshments, views, and wholesome entertainment for visitors of all ages. The Alpine Coaster is a novel way to experience the nature paradise that is Oberammergau. Don’t forget to stop in the quaint old town before you leave to take in the rich history, woodwork, and religious sites.


  1. Julie Ress

    Morgan–Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your posts, no matter what the subject! It seems like you and Austin are truly enjoying your life in Germany. What a beautiful place!


  2. Chris Cavanaugh

    Hi Morgan & Austin,
    What an exciting adventure and I was shocker to read that you can ride if you are at least 3 years old! Conner said count him in he would certainly be up for a scenic coaster ride . Glad you are enjoying everything Germany has to offer. Can’t wait to read your next blog / adventure! Love to all of you :). Aunt Chris

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